Sun Salutation - Surya Namaskara
Surya Namaskara or sun salutation is a series of postures that warms our body, strengthens it and increases its flexibility. Every movement or transition from position to position is coordinated with breathing - inhalation or exhalation, which always takes place only through the nose. There are several variations of this exercise. Here is a basic version of this classic sequence. Salutation to the sun can be used as a warm-up for further exercise or as an independent exercise when we do not have much time, but we still want to do something for ourselves. Just a few repetitions of this sequence makes a big difference in how we feel. It is performed at a faster pace for warming up and cardio, and at a slower pace for increasing endurance and strengthening muscles.
One set of the sun salutation shown below consists of two repetitions of the entire sequence – once on the right and once on the left. At the beginning, we can only do one or two series, but then we gradually increase the number according to our wishes and needs.