Forma Viva
Forma viva - an open air sculpture exhibition
Creation of this collection of outdoor stone sculptures began in 1961, encouraged by Slovenian artists Jakob Savinšek and Janez Lenassi. Over more than 50 years of continuous work, sculptors from over 30 different countries left more than 130 stone sculptures standing around the city, surrounded by a grove of indigenous Piran olive tree varieties and a beautiful view extending from the park to the Bay of Portorož and the surrounding area. Foto: © Ubald Trnkoczy
Other sights and attractions

Sečovlje salt pans Nature Park

Parenzana - the path of health and friendship

St. Bernardin Church

Seča - Cactus Garden

Piran Aquarium

Footpath from Portorož to Piran

Piran circular hiking trails

Tartini Square (Piran)

City walls (Piran)

Sečovlje salt production museum

Fonda Fish Farm

Dragonja river valley