Contour line
Services and experiences


Eat your fill of authentic Istrian cuisine

At the St. Bernardin Resort, we place special emphasis on gastronomy as we are well aware that it is an important part of the story of any region. Our authentic Istrian cuisine is sure to delight you with its diversity and passion, and its harmony of flavours. Characterised by both Mediterranean and continental influences, it is distinguished by fresh local ingredients, Piran sea salt, authentic Istrian spices, Istrian herbs, premium olive oil (which represents an important pillar of Strian gastronomy), and a range of fine Istrian wines.

Our restaurants and bars

Hotel Restaurant Bernardin
Restaurant Pečina
Cafe Grand
Tropic Bar
Spa Bar
Hotel Restaurant Histrion
Restaurant Mesečeva restavracija
Restaurant Taverna
Cafe Istriana
Termaris Bar
Restaurant Sunset
Beach Bar Hotel Vile Park
Restaurant Arkade
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