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Sun Salutation – Surya Namaskara

Surya Namaskara, or Sun Salutation, is a sequence of poses that warm up the body, strengthen it, and increase its flexibility. Every movement or transition from one pose to another is harmonised with your breathing, inhaling or exhaling, which is always done only through the nose. There are several versions of this exercise, and we present the basic version of this classical sequence. The Sun Salutation can be used as a warm up exercise or as an independent exercise when you do not have a lot of time but still want to do something for yourself. Just a few repetitions of this sequence make a huge difference to how you feel. It is carried out at a faster pace for warming up and for cardio, and at a slower pace for increasing endurance and muscle strength.

Exercises for the balance of the body and mind

Next is a sequence of nine yoga asanas, which covers all types of exercises: poses for strengthening and endurance, stretching, openings and twists. You can do them independently or do Sun Salutations beforehand in order to warm up, as described above. All the exercises are harmonised with long and deep breaths, which round off the exercise, bringing balance of the body and mind. Before you start, sit down for a few minutes, taking a comfortable position that allows you to keep your back straight and upright. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. First, observe your breathing and then consciously deepen and prolong it. Breathe through the nose. After a few minutes, open your eyes and start with the sequence. Do the same at the end when you finish with the exercise. 

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